Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Media Manipulation

I worked on fotoflex. I found it difficult to save. Each time I tried to save I was kicked off the internet. I finally got it to work with the help of my wonderful friend Stef. This in a neat program. It reminds me of photobooth and kidpics. Those are two programs the children use that they really enjoy. This would be a fun creative outlet for the children.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Vod Casts and Pod Casts

I liked looking at the pod casts. I think they are neat for adults but I think that children need to have something to look at. I preferred the vod cast. Vod casts provide visuals and I think visuals make comprehension easier, especially for children. The vod casts I viewed I enjoyed and I could see showing them to my class. I may show them a few this week.

How Big is a Foot?
I watched the vod cast called Titanic Retelling. My class studied the Titanic. We read many books, did book talks, and did fact sheets. This vod cast shows beautiful pictures from the Titanic and the students in the vod cast read retelling cards. They students on the vod cast are giving more facts about the Titanic. I think my students would like to see this kind of work. It would be neat to be able to record them reading their own work. This was a creative way to display class research. The Titanic is such an interesting topic and the children are engaged in learning about it so making a pod or vod cast would be exciting for them.

Here is a Titanic Pod Cast that is a retelling done by young students.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Social Bookmarking

Social Bookmarking? I guess I see how you could use it in everyday life but I am not sure about my classroom. I think if I visited sites each day this would be helpful but at this point in my teaching I do not check sites each day. If I need a new idea or want to read about others lessons plans I would use websites. Then social bookmarking would be helpful. I have so many sources now that I am not use to going to the internet for information. This is the first year I have internet in my classroom that and I need to get use to using it more.
This is my delicious link-